Zepelim |04.03.09| Expansive Poetics


Voo do Zepelim, sobre uma sala de aula. Escutámos um excerto da cassete número 8 de uma série de 11 gravações de aulas leccionadas pelo poeta Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) em Brooklyn College sob o tema Expansive Poetics. O surrealismo pelas palavras emotivas de Ginsberg:


lecture begins, Smart’s lamb list poem

20th century mind-jumps of anti-rationality meets list poems. Dada is…
Breton’s “Free Union” – “total freedom”
Lamantia’s theory of poetry as imaginative dictation (brain areas discussed) & Critique of Gnsberg’s materialist poetry
Can they both co-exist, where Ginsberg “stepped off a little from Williams’ solid ground”
William’s and archetypal “queezing images into lines”
Still reading Breton’s manifestoe escolhas de
Breton’s list of favorite superrealists
The two methods of Williams (sketch of fixed epiphany in physical forms) and Surrealism (imagination) whitman/keruoac get surreal in “associative descriptions” -objectivists include non-physical form) “two different distincte escolhas de schools with two practices”
Breton’s Free Union
Ashberry and non-representational language as a way to whimsy and pump-priming
Ginsberg lists useful ways to be surprised or introduce whimsy
Kaddish and list poem technique
Robert Desnos: “I the voice of Robert Desnos…


1. Excerto do filme Spellbound (1945) de Alfred Hitchcock; descrição de um sonho.

2. John Baker – Man Alive Ufo [The John Baker Tapes, Vol. 1 : BBC Radiophonics, 2008]

3. Allen Ginsberg Class 8 Expansive Poetics (August 13, 1981)

3.1. Henry Cowell – Aeolian Harp and Sinister Resonance [Piano Music, 1993]

3.2. Jasper Leyland – Caraway [Fieldstone, 2007]

3.3. Inverz – V Song [Songs, 2008]

3.4. White Rainbow –  Waves [Prism of The Eternal Now, 2007]

3.5. Terre Thaemlitz – Cycles [Soil, 1995]