Zepelim |29.04.09| U.F.O. Disclosure



Vermon Elliot –  Intro Music and Dialogue From ‘Episode One’ [The Clangers, 2005]

1. ABC Headline Edition: Taylor Grant’s July 7, 1947 newscast of disc recovery by roswell Army Air Field personnel.

Marcel Duchamp – Erratum musicale [The Entire Musical Works, 2002]

2. Original radio broadcast describing “Battle of Los Angeles.” (1942)

The Ivytree – Inner Groves [Jewelled Antler Library Vol. 3: The Sun is the Lamp, 2003]

Manual – Blue Stone [Confluence, 2008]

Vermon Elliot –   There Now Follows Some Useful Musical Sequences [The Clangers, 2005]

3. In June 19, 1991, Timothy Goode appeared on the popular Nicky Campbell show.  The program, “Into The Night”  is on National Radio One in Great Britain.

Taylor Deupree –  Worn [Weather And Worn, 2009]

Library Tapes – The Sound of Emptiness part 1 [A Summer Beneath The Trees, 2008]

Sun Ra The Satellites Are Spinning [The Solar Myth Approach vol.1, 2001]

4.Discurso de Ronald Regan

Marcel Duchamp –  Musical sculpture [The Entire Musical Works, 2002]

(Os sons adicionais foram retirados de Freesound Project)

Carlo Patrão

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